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                                 DOS Unit
                        SearchRec Type Definitions

     Variables of type SearchRec are used by FindFirst and FindNext to scan

                    SearchRec = Record
                                   Fill : Array[1..21] of Byte;
                                   Attr : Byte;
                                   Time : LongInt;
                                   Size : LongInt;
                                   Name : String[12];

     The information about each file is returned in SearchRec.  The Fill
     field is reserved by DOS and should never be modified.  The Attr field
     contains the file's attributes, which are constructed from the attribute
     constants.  The Time field contains the file's date and time information
     in packed format (use UnPackTime).  Size contains the file size in bytes,
     and Name contains the file name.

See Also: FindFirst FindNext UnPackTime
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